Evaluating the performance of the Education Office in Amran Governorate according to Malcolm Baldrige standards for quality and institutional excellence from the point of view of the office leaders

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reviwerDr. Fahd Saleh Qasim Maghrabah Dr. Mohammad Qasim Ali Qahwan Mr. Abdul Karim Muhammad Al-Raidi


The study aimed to evaluate the performance of the Education Office in Amran Governorate according to Malcolm
Baldrige„s standards of quality and institutional excellence from the point of view of working leaders and the impact of
variables (gender, workplace, educational qualification, job grade, years of experience) on the sample answers; The
researchers used the descriptive analytical survey method, and a questionnaire of (69) phrases divided into seven areas; It
was distributed to a stratified sample of (39) respondents from the office leaders, and using the (SPSS) program, the results
of the study showed that the overall performance got an overall average (3.13 out of 5) with a grade (sometimes), and at the
level of fields; Strategic planning got the highest average (3.31), then leadership and responsibility with an average of (3.28),
and thirdly: focus on beneficiaries with an average of (3.27) and fourthly, human resources care with an average of (3.25),
then operations management with an average of (3.09). Sixth: Information systems management with an average of (2.94)
and finally: focus on results and quality of outputs with an average of (2.76), all of which are verbally evaluated (sometimes)
as the results showed; There were no statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) according to the five study variables,
and based on the results, the researchers recommended spreading a culture of quality and excellence in the Amran
Education Office and its affiliated departments, providing salaries to employees, activating the information systems in
monitoring, follow-up and evaluation, Taking care of human resources training, and focusing on the beneficiaries; By
activating communication between the office, society and employers in the labor market, and finally involving the
departments in the directorates in important decisions, in addition to proposals for complementary studies on the subject.
Keywords: performance appraisal, Department of Education in Amran Governorate, Malcolm Baldrige Quality Standards,
leaders' viewpoint.

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How to Cite
reviwerDr. Fahd Saleh Qasim Maghrabah Dr. Mohammad Qasim Ali Qahwan Mr. Abdul Karim Muhammad Al-Raidi. (2023). Evaluating the performance of the Education Office in Amran Governorate according to Malcolm Baldrige standards for quality and institutional excellence from the point of view of the office leaders. Journal of Arabian Peninsula Centre for Educational and Humanity Researches, 2(12), 121–145. https://doi.org/10.56793/pcra2213126


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