The reality of the practice of transformational leadership among middle school principals Hafr Al-Batin Governorate from the point of view of the parameters
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Abstract: The study aimed to assess the reality of the practice of transformational leadership among middle school principals from the point of view of teachers in Hafr Al-Batin Governorate, and the effect of the variables (years of experience, training courses) on the teachers’ answers. A middle school teacher in Hafr Al-Batin governorate. The results of the study showed that the practice of transformational leadership by school principals in Hafr Al-Batin governorate obtained a total average of (3.98 out of 5), with a (high) practice and at the level of the domains; The ideal effect got the highest average (4.08), then the inspirational motivation with an average (3.98), then the intellectual arousal with an average (3.96), and the fourth individual considerations with an average (3.91), all with a practice rating of (high). The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the average responses of the sample at the level (α ≥ 0.05) to the reality of transformational leadership practiced by middle school principals in Hafr Al-Batin governorate. Attributed to the variables (years of experience, training courses), based on the results, the researcher recommended the Ministry of Education to adopt a strategy that is central to planning and decentralization of implementation, with broad authority for the autonomy of schools in general, and training management in particular to implement training courses according to the actual need in the actual field. It also emphasized diversification in leadership practices, keeping abreast of educational developments, and finally; Suggestions were made to conduct developmental studies to employ contemporary leadership approaches in school administration.
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